Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
EM is sold as EM-1, which is EM in its dormant state and which has a shelf life of 12 months if the bottle is unopened. EM should be activated by mixing EM-1 with sugar cane and water and allowing them to ferment in a sealed vessel of 7 days.
Once is activated EM is called EM-A- EM Activated.
1 litre of EM-1 will produce 20 litres of EM-A, which can then be further diluted 1:100 with water i.e. 200 litres of usable product.
A regular application of EM1 results in: vitalization of the soil life, microbial balance, enhancing of the ecosystem’s self-healing power, healthy soil, healthy plants, healthy people.
For cleaning: Add one cap EM1 into the water and use it for cleaning floor, toilet, windows, mirrors (you can but don’t have to add another cleaning detergent). A half cup in a vaporizer will remove odors in the home (cigarettes, wet dog smell, food).
For bathing: Add one cap EM1 into the bath water.
For washing vegetables: Add one cap EM1 in the washing water or just spray the vegetables with EM1 as this removes harmful substances from the surface and helps to keep the vegetables fresh (best way is to wash them and store them wet in a plastic bag in the fridge).
Hersteller: EMIKO Handelsgesellschaft mbH

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