Art. No.:
Product information "Sugarcane molasses, organic"
The high sugar content and the proportion of valuable minerals make organic sugar cane molasses an ideal feed for EM Effective Microorganisms®.
EMa stands for EM "activated" and can be produced by you by fermenting EM1® with sugarcane molasses. Like EM1®, EMa is used as a soil additive. By producing EMa, you can produce larger quantities of EM for your gardening applications at low cost through your own efforts.
EMa recipe:
Fill the fermenter halfway with hot water.
Stir in 3% sugar cane molasses until it is completely dissolved.
Fill the fermenter with cold water until a temperature of 35 - 40°C is reached.
Add 3% EM1® and mix the digester contents thoroughly.
Fill the digester to the brim with 35 - 40°C warm water.
Close the fermenter and connect the heating - setting "34" on the heating rod.
Place the fermenter in a warm place for 7 days.
Your EMa is ready and successful if it has a pH value of less than 3.6 and smells sweet-sour. White flakes on the EMa are yeasts and belong to a good EMa.
EMa cannot be propagated any further. The composition of the microorganisms changes too much with further propagation, so that the original function is no longer guaranteed.
Hersteller: EMIKO Handelsgesellschaft mbH
✔ Rohstoffe aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau
✔ Vegan

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